Yes, I am still alive, and I am really sorry about the lack of blogposts. I have been really, really busy and stressed, in a good way. Something exciting happened!
No, I am not pregnant (I always feel I have to make that clear to everyone before making any kind of announcement). But I just got my first big order of cookies! Which means that I am now preparing for a sale of almost 90 (90!!!!) boxes with cookies!!! Ordering boxes, printing labels, replacing cartridges, printing more labels and buying ingredients and the sorts.
I do feel the need to seriously consider what I want to do with my baking, because it is rapidly turning into an actual business. It also made me think about what kind of entrepeneur (cool huh, I'm an entrepeneur!) I want to be. So in the middle of all this, I am trying to reduce the plastic I use in packing my cookies and replacing it with paper. Using organic ingredients. Mjammie is going green!!!
I promise you that I will be back with more craftiness soon!!!