Another birthday, another photo frame! This one was made by the munchkin herself. And anyone can make one using Hama beads! My kids love them! So I had the munchkin make a frame, ironed it together and stuck a piece of cardboard to the back using a glue gun. With this supercute result!
Attach a small strip of cardboard to the back with ducttape, so the frame can stay upright.
How cool would these be with a magnet stuck at the back, and using them as fridge magnets! Or make one for fathers day, so he can hang it in his car!
Just use a square board for the beads, make four or five rows of beads in the color of your choice and iron them. Glue a photo to the cardboard, glue the cardboard to the frame (make sure you use the side you want to be the back) and attach a strip of cardboard. And voilà!
By the way, you can buy Hama beads at almost any toystore, and also at Ikea. Have fun!