Yesterday the Dutch national soccer team won their first match on their way to the European championship. The tournament will start this sunday. Yay.
Let's get one thing straight: I HATE soccer. With a passion. I think it's completely meaningless to see twenty-two multi-millionaires kick a ball around. I try to have as little as possible to do with the whole thing.
Driving in the car with the dynamic duo in the backseat we went passed houses that were decorated with orange flags, bunting and other orange... Well... Crap. I think it's a waste of money, and I will be glad when it's all over. The dynamic duo, however, loved the bright colors and the bunting! And as usual, if the duo love it, mommy complies. *sigh*
So I made orange bunting. I'll never admit it of course, but I had fun making it too. You probably love soccer, or love your kids who love bunting, so I made a pdf file so you can make your own bunting. It's a good craft to make with your kids!
It is a dutch version, of course. If you need any other nationality, just make your own. :-p
Do you want this bunting? It's really easy. All you will need is this file, four sheets of orange paper, thread or ribbon, glue and a pair of scissors.
Start by printing the file on orange paper or cardstock.
Cut out he flags on the dotted line.
Fold over the flap at the end of the black lines.
Glue the flap to the flag with the thread in between.
Hang it so that everyone can see which team you are supporting.
Hup, holland, hup!
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