29 oktober 2011

Mjammie, koekjes in Flow magazine!!!

While at the supermarket, I spotted the new issue of Flow magazine. You know, the one they wanted the pictures of my cookies for. So I opened it, and to my great, great joy...

mjammie in flow 1

Oh yes! How cool is that! I know it's really, really small, so just in case you missed it, which I can completely understand, I will show it a little larger.

mjammie in flow 2

I am soooooo proud! Now let's see how many orders it will bring...

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Gaaf hoor!! Ik heb de nieuwe Flow vandaag gehaald, ga zo meteen even kijken of ik je kan vinden!

  2. Hopelijk wordt je bestormd met bestellingen!
