You know what really ruins my reading experience and my day, while we're at it? If you are reading a book and the bookmark falls out... Especially if you were just coming to a really exciting part!!! And guess what... I have the solution!
And it's pretty too..
You will need some magazine pages you like (of course I used pages from Flow magazine!), a laminating pouch, a laminator and a knife or scissors.
Cut some strips of paper.
Fold them in half.
Place your corners (because that is what they will be, corner covers) in the laminating pouch. I usually make sure that the corners of the pouch are used, because they are nice and round. Also think about the sides that you want to stay open, you will cut them later, but it does matter how you place your strips in the pouch!
Now carefully pick up the laminating pouch and run it through the laminator. Try not to move the paper strips.
Now carefully cut the paper out. Leave the laminated edge on two sides and cut right to the paper on the other two sides.
Now you can slide your laminated corner cover bookmark over your page.
And voilà! If you close your book, the bookmark will stick out at the side and top! I will not guarantee that it will never fall out, but mine work like a charm!
Make different corners for your favorite recipes in a cookbook, or craft projects that you are planning to make, or doilies that you are planning to crochet.
I use mine for Flow magazine itself, because I could never finish that in one go!