First, choose some nice paper. It's cool if both sides have some kind of print, because you will see both sides. If there ever was a project where you could use pages of an old book, this would be it!
Print out the Bird picture once on thick paper, this will be your template. You can download the picture by right-clicking on it, then select "save picture as...", print it in the size you want, cut it out carefully.

Take the paper you want to use for the bird, fold it in half wrong side out and lay the template on the folded paper, with the bottom straight line on the crease. If you want to make a bird that can sit somewhere, use the extra border in the template. If you want to hang it, leave the border out. Trace the template on the paper.
Cut out the bird along the line. Make sure that you cut through both layers at the same time. Open the bird and fold it back right side out (this way, you won't need to erase too many lines from the trace!). Fold the wings out on the dotted line. Fold the tail out on the dotted line.
If you want to hang your bird, glue the two bird-bodies together. If you want to set it down, only glue the beak, the head and a small piece below the wings and the tail.
If you want, you can make small namecards and glue them in between the beak!

Have fun, and don't forget to send me a pic!
Ze zijn super! je hebt vast plezier gehad met ze te maken.
BeantwoordenVerwijderengroetjes en een fijn weekend
Hoi Maaike, link voor de knopen stond onder je reactie... Lieve vogeltjes zijn dit ook weer
BeantwoordenVerwijderenowwwwww, sorry, zo snel niet gezien... Toch bedankt hoor!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSchattige vogeltjes!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat een super idee...:)...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat een leuk idee! Heb de tekening gesaved, misschien ga ik er m'n nieuwjaarskaarten van maken.. (als ik me tegen die tijd nog zo creatief voel...).
Oh, I love this bird! Can't wait to make one myself. Thank you!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks so much for your cute bird. I linked to it today in a birds-to-make round up.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLove you little bird.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenKeep up the beautiful art.
Cannot wait to see more.
Happy thoughts,
Mimi tout plein ce petit messager!... Merci!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBon week-end
These are perfect for my 3-year old class, as long as I do the cutting. Thank you!