Get out your origami paper and try this one!
With the holidays in the near future it could be nice to use these origami envelopes as gift tags. You can write a christmas wish inside and put a name on the outside, or you can play "surprise santa" and write a name on the inside... No peeking under the tree this year!
Anyway, I tried to make it as clear as possible, if you have any questions or comments please let me know. Tomorrow we will start making the butterfly tutorial, and I do mean "we" because the butterfly is so intricate that I need someone else to hold the camera (notice that there is only one hand in every picture... Yes, the other one was busy trying not to drop the camera!!!).
Take your time, it's a long one!
First, take out a nice piece of origami paper. What better print for Hoppin' Up than cute little bunnies! We used a piece of 15 by 15 cm. All measurements are in cm, and based on this size paper. If you use different sizes you need to scale the measurements yourself!!!
Write a nice message on the origami paper, on the side that you want to be the inside of the envelope.
Fold the bottom side up, about 2,5 cm. Crease well.
Fold the corners up so that the side edges of the paper are aligned with the bottom edge of the paper. Crease well.
Fold the sides of the paper up, following the line of the corners you just did. Crease well.
Open the last crease and push the triangles (that you made by folding up the corners) in. You can now see the edges of the bottom of the envelope.
The corners should now look like this:
Using the crease that you made earlier, fold the sides of the envelope in.
Fold the envelope lengthwise down the middle. Don't crease too much, this one is just to make a nice line to help you fold a nice top flap for your envelope. This one will show when your envelope is finished! Fold back.
Fold the top corner inside following the crease you made in the previous step. Do the same with the other corner.
Slide the top triangle in the envelope. Push it as far as it will go, and make a nice crease at the top.
Your envelope is finished!
You can also use nice cardstock to make a card fitting inside the envelope if you don't want to write on the paper.
And don't forget to send me a picture of your work!